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There was two dental practice IT Providers hit in the last 2 months. CTS, like many MSP’s, offers Cybersecurity services with no indication of staff with any security expertise. Not a good idea. When the insurance providers look into if the MSP had the expertise to offer these services and practiced due care, the word is the answer is no and they are NOT covering the $450,000 ransom.

I can’t say this enough, get a risk assessment of your MSP to help make sure you’re not in the news.

A Colorado company that specializes in providing IT services to dental offices suffered a ransomware attack this week that is disrupting operations for more than 100 dentistry practices.

Multiple sources affected say their IT provider, Englewood, Colo. based Complete Technology Solutions (CTS), was hacked, allowing a potent strain of ransomware known as “Sodinokibi” or “rEvil” to be installed on computers at more than 100 dentistry businesses that rely on the company for a range of services — including network security, data backup, and voice-over-IP phone service.

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