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Stephanie Nanney CFP®, CPFA – Asset Management

Stephanie Nanney, CFP®, CPFA

Meet Stephanie Nanney, CFP®, CPFA

My Financial Services Career Began in 2003

I grew up around the financial services industry and saw the reward of helping clients achieve their goals at an early age. One of my main areas of focus is working with physicians and business owners. I also manage the qualified plan practice for our client business owners and their employees. Helping provide a solid foundation of financial knowledge, doing my best to ensure a secure financial future, and seeing my clients achieve their Private Vista is why I love what I do. There’s nothing that I value more than creating long-term relationships with my clients, and their families.

My Private Vista

As a female business owner, I am proud to show my two amazing daughters that anything is possible for them as future female leaders. My husband and I work hard to make sure our girls are ready to achieve their own Private Vistas when the time comes. As a family, we love to take advantage of all that Chicago has to offer, to get away to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and traveling to see friends and family near and far.


Board Member, Women’s Exchange of Winnetka
Board Member, Harkness Outreach Center
Coach, American Youth Soccer Organization


Bachelor’s Degree in Business & Economics, Lehigh University

Additional Contact Information

Stephanie Nanney
Private Vista, LLC
Office: 312-831-4395
1 N. Franklin St., Suite 1250,
Chicago, IL 60606

Call for a Free Consultation Appointment Today!