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Michael Erin

Today’s interview with Michael Erin, a dental valuation and practice consultant and broker, focuses on how Dentists prepare for retirement and a succession plan for the transition and sale of the work and interest in their dental practice.

Michael Erin of Practice Management & Associates

Topics Covered in This 30-Minute Interview

  • About Progressive Management and dental brokerage generally;
  • Preparing for retirement, when to start selling your practice;
  • Different types of buyers you may identify well in advance;
  • Understanding the timeline and process of dental practice valuation.

Michael Erin is a management consultant, valuation specialist, and practice broker in the Chicago hospital and healthcare industry. Mr. Erin, with Chicago’s Progressive Management & Associates, the Chicago dental practice brokerage, works with dental specialists in transition with their private practice. He works with sellers, buyers, and valuation services to keep the transition out of practice in the fast lane, to maximize profits for his clients. Michael Erin is a colleague with our host, Michael V. Favia, through the Health Practice Advisors network group in Chicago.

Michael V. Favia & Associates are available to advise and represent healthcare professionals and the general Chicagoland community with a variety of legal issues. With offices conveniently located in the Chicago Loop, Northwest side and suburbs, you can schedule a discrete meeting with an attorney at your convenience and discretion.

For more about Michael V. Favia & Associates’ professional licensing work, please call 773-631-4580, visit, and feel free to “Like” the firm on Facebook and “Follow” the firm on Twitter. You may also connect with Attorney Michael V. Favia on LinkedIn and on where you may also read client endorsements and reviews.