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Matt Friscia

Meet Matt Friscia

We buy and sell businesses every day. Matt has walked in your shoes as a business owner having bought, grown, and successfully sold his business with Transworld Business Advisors! Every broker that is part of their team completes a full business brokerage training course and certification program. We understand that the task of buying or selling a business can be overwhelming without the proper guidance and skills. Over the years, Transworld Business Advisors has helped many companies around the world with the buying and selling process ensuring our client’s confidentiality every step of the way. Our goal is to make the process as smooth as possible for both sides by relying on our Chicagoland and global network of experienced business advisors. Matt’s office also can help franchise a proven business model and/or provide a broker opinion of value for a business if you’re not ready to sell yet and just want to know the value of your company. Franchise consultancy is also a part of our office for those looking to get into business ownership with a “cook book for success” in a new territory vs. a resale among 300+ different franchise brands we have access to.
Check out Matt’s current business listings here.

Matt Friscia

Transworld Business Advisors of La Grange
26 S. La Grange Rd., Suite #106
La Grange, IL 60525.

Main line: 708-328-8800
Direct/Text: 708-328-8886

Call for a Free Consultation Appointment Today!